Basil & Beyond: Tips for Combatting the Blotch Leafminer That Won't Harm Beneficial Insects

By Stack's Urban Harvest | Mar 05, 2023
Blotch Leafminer

If you notice ugly blotches on your basil leaves, you might be horrified. You're not alone, so don't be alarmed. The blotch leafminer, a common pest, is likely responsible for these spots. The leaves are host to these tiny larvae, which leave behind unsightly spots.

But don't give up on growing basil just yet! Without the use of toxic pesticides, there are methods to control and possibly prevent this problem. Crop rotation, removing infected leaves, and routinely checking on your plants are all basic best practices that might be helpful. Plant a variety of basil plants as well because some may be less appealing to the blotch leafminer than others.

While there are a number of organic treatments that can be effective against the blotch leafminer, it's important to keep in mind that some of these treatments can harm beneficial insects, which are essential for a healthy and long-lasting garden.

Sticky traps, for instance, can catch both beneficial insects and the adult flies that are the source of the infestation. Although widely used as a natural insecticide, neem oil can also be harmful if used excessively. Also, because the larvae are hidden inside the leaves, it's possible that the oil won't be able to penetrate deep enough to kill them.



You may want to try spraying your plants with garlic and water which can repel adult flies. 

  1. Peel and crush 5-6 cloves of garlic.
  2. Add the crushed garlic to a quart of water.
  3. Let the garlic steep in the water for at least 24 hours.
  4. Strain the garlic from the water and pour the liquid into a spray bottle.

To use the garlic and water repellant, spray it onto the leaves of your plants, making sure to cover both the tops and undersides of the leaves. You can repeat this treatment every few days or as needed.

It's worth noting that while garlic and water can repel the adult flies that cause the infestation, it may not be effective at killing the larvae that are already present in the leaves. For the best results, it's recommended to use garlic and water as a preventive measure and to remove any affected leaves as soon as you notice signs of an infestation.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to dealing with garden pests. By planting a variety of basil, monitoring your plants regularly, and taking swift action when you see signs of an infestation, you can keep your garden healthy and thriving.


SOIL BUILDING - How Healthy Soil Can Protect Your Plants from Pests & Diseases

In addition to preventive measures, building a healthy soil is essential to growing strong, resilient plants that are less susceptible to pests and diseases. When plants are able to reach their genetic potential, they are better equipped to defend themselves against infestations like the blotch leafminer.

One way to build healthy soil is by using compost, which is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that help to support plant growth. Compost also improves soil structure, which allows for better water retention and drainage.

Another way to promote soil health is by using cover crops, which are planted in between growing seasons to improve soil quality. Cover crops, such as clover or sunn hemp, add organic matter to the soil and fix nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient for plant growth.

By building a healthy soil, you can create a strong foundation for your plants and reduce the likelihood of pest and disease problems. So, in addition to implementing preventive measures like crop rotation and removing affected leaves, consider investing in your soil to help your plants thrive. For more on soil building check out the video series below.

Live regeneratively, and let's grow together!



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