The Ultimate Guide to Making Mel's Mix: The Perfect Soil for Your Garden and Potted Plants

By Stack's Urban Harvest | Mar 30, 2023

Are you planning to repot some plants or fill a new garden bed with excellent soil? "Mel's Mix" soil, a popular soil mixture created by Mel Bartholomew, the author of the book "Square Foot Gardening," is a great option to consider. 


If you live in South Florida, and you're looking for a pre-mixed, high quality soil, you may want to take a look at the soil mix offered by Tree Amigos Growers in Davie, Florida.  They have two different blends. One is a mix for garden beds, and the other is for potted plants. These premium blends are used by many gardeners in South Florida. 


If you'd rather make your own mix, keep reading to find out more about Mel's Mix and how to make it.




Start with equal parts of these three components - 

   1) Peat Moss or Coconut Coir
   2) Vermiculite or Perlite
   3) Compost

The compost should come from five different sources, if at all possible. This could include composted manure, mushrooms compost, vermicompost, composted wood chips, etc.




When mixing your own Mel's Mix, it's important to protect yourself from inhaling any fine particles. Be sure to wear a mask or respirator when handling the peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. Inhaling these particles can irritate your lungs and cause respiratory issues. Remember to take the necessary precautions when handling any kind of soil or compost!

In a large container or wheelbarrow, combine and mix these three ingredients well. If you're making a large batch of Mel's Mix for a garden bed, you may want to consider using the tarp method with the assistance of another person. 


With this technique, a tarp is laid out, and the ingredients are combined on top of it. You roll the mixture back and forth while periodically spraying it with the hose as you and your assistant pick up the tarp's ends. It takes some time for peat moss or coconut coir to absorb the water. You raise your end of the tarp rolling the mix toward your assistant, then they do the same as you lower your end. Roll the tarp back and forth between you and your assistant until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. 


You're ready to use Mel's Mix soil on your garden bed or for potting plants once everything has been combined.  For more information about Square Foot Gardening, I highly recommend the book itself! 

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the link to the Square Foot Gardening book in this blog post is an affiliate link, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through it. This helps to support the mission of Stack's Urban Harvest and keeps the video and blog content coming. Thank you for your support!





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